Environmental Statement

ATG Global Limited (ATG) seeks excellence in every aspect of our business and is committed to minimising the environmental impacts of our business operations.

1. Our commitment is to:

  • Continuously improve our environmental performance and to integrate recognised environment management best practise into our business operations.
  • Having an environmentally sustainable aware culture, where responsibility is assigned and understood by enhancing awareness among our employees, volunteers, and users – educating and motivating them to act in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Reduce our consumption of resources and improve efficient use of those resources.
  • Measure and take action to reduce the carbon footprint of our business activities.
  • Manage waste generated from our business operations incorporating reduction, re-use and recycling.
  • Manage our business operations to prevent pollution.
  • Give due consideration to environmental issues and energy performance in the design, refurbishment, location and use of buildings, and be an environmentally responsible neighbour in our community.
  • Ensure environmental, including climate change, criteria are taken into account in the procurement of goods and services by working with suppliers who promote sound environmental practices.
  • Comply as a minimum with all relevant environmental legislation as well as other environmental requirements to which the business subscribes.

2. To meet our commitments, we will:

  • Provide Group Board oversight and review of environmental policies and performance, and allocate resources for their effective direction and implementation.
  • Monitor our environmental performance at least annually.
  • Engage with stakeholders, including communicating internally and externally, our environmental policy and performance on a regular basis.
  • Communicate the importance of environmental issues to our people through the development of guidelines for staff, volunteers and users to adopt sound environmental work practices, with adequate training provided to ensure these practices are carried out.
  • Work together with our people, service partners, suppliers, landlords and their agents to promote improved environmental performance.
  • Use all reasonable endeavours to minimise materials and energy use, prevent air, water, and other pollution, and dispose of waste safely and responsibly.
  • Review our environmental policy regularly.

This environmental policy represents our general position on environmental issues for all businesses within the ATG Group of companies, and the policies and practices we will apply in conducting our business.

ATG Global Limited

September 2023